It's Me

It's Me
Hey There

Saturday, August 11, 2012

It Feels Like The Time Is Right

 Hello everyone, I have decided to join the world of blogging and put my thoughts and feelings into the void that is the Internet. I'm a 27 year old man or man baby is more appropriate. The reason I say this because while I'm nearing 30(ugh!) I feel like my interests are more of a 12 year old boy than a man. I love cartoons, I love the freedom they have,they're not constrained by reality.Whatever stories they tell or whatever adventures they have it's limitless, they just have to draw it. I think that's why I'm so attracted to them, I'm a huge day dreamer and in my dreams I'm capable of anything,be it a star quarterback in the 4th quarter or hero saving the day and getting the girl. Sometimes I wish I can live in a cartoon world. I also love video games, I'm a huge Nintendo fan boy. In my eyes they can do no wrong,I do own other gaming consoles but Nintendo will always have a soft spot in my heart. They're innovators in the business and everyone copies them. They introduced analog controls with the 64 and created the first true 3d game with Mario 64. They made touch screens mainstream with Nintendo ds and brought motion controls to your living room for better or worse. I went on this little rant because I think Nintendo gets so much crap from gamers that they've been underrated in my opinion.
     I'm the stereotype for a blogger I guess,I'm overweight and live in my parents basement with a closet full of toys. I have an amazing girlfriend who is very beautiful and supportive. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me,though I fear I might be holding her back from the greatness she can achieve,she's so talented I want to be at her level so bad it hurts. I love her and the thought of losing her makes me sick. I'm a dog lover,I have a wonderful girl name Chula(It's Spanish for cute) and I love her so much. She always by my side giving me love and warmth and I truly feel like she loves me back,I hate knowing that dogs don't live as long as humans why can't they be like turtles?
      So the reason I started this is because I feel like I'm going through alot of self loathing right now,nothing I do feels right and I can't help but hate myself. This isn't a pity party it just feels great to says whats on my mind and put it out there and not have these thoughts clogging up my mind. This really is for me and  no one else, if people read it and like it who cares, if people read it and hate it who cares, and if no one reads it who cares. Welcome to my brain.